The YORKSHIRE TOFTY the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams 'Eleanor Roosevelt'

The Yorkshire Tofty
An ongoing project to restore the homespun dignity and charm of the original 'Rough Collie' with its traditional character and values. The TOFTY is bred selectively to have greater diversity in the immune system haplotypes, in the hope it can better cope with our modern world.
Honouring the past, challenging the future.
“He who is not busy being born is busy dying” (Bob Dylan)
This website is the offi cial site of 'THE TOFTY'.
Pedigree Database
All genuine Tofty are registered in our database which you can view here.

Let's travel back to the future
Join us via this website.
Here at WICANTOFT we are returning to the roots combining our fully health tested Rough collies with a landrace breed still in existence amongst hill shepherds, dogs very similar to those that built the breed over 100 years ago. We can experience these combination dogs in our lives and witness history unfolding as each generation evolves.
The YORKSHIRE TOFTY will hopefully provide a future lifeline for the restoration of a healthier more traditional style Rough Collie. It will definitely become a healthier alternative for those interested.